Friday, October 11, 2013

Falling into Fall

It's such a funny thing.  Just when we, on the Central Coast, get our best 'summer' weather, snow starts to fly across our beautiful country. So we must be thinking 'warmly' for our wonderful clientele when we are (sorry to brag) warm.  This always gives me a giggle.  Easily amused:-)

New New for Fall from my most favorite company (except for Just Baby Designs, of course:-) is Blossom's Bunny Coat, and here's a real coupe:  These adorable minky swing coats for the precious little Miss start at 0-3 months!  Unheard of!  Brand new baby gets a brand new stylin' coat of her own.  Never mind bundled in blankets, bundle in bunny instead!  And, snug boots to match.  Again, they start little at 3-6 months.  What an outfit for the chilly weather!  And see those cute little white bunnies on the front of the coat?  Pockets.  Yup, bunny pockets.  Oh my goodness!
Why, oh why, do I continue to hear that they 'don't make cute boy stuff'.  Always.  Again.  I have two words to say to that: Oh contraire!  I have two boys.  I am 'in-tune' with boy cuteness and I do not fail to deliver.  Neither does Bunnies by the Bay.  Drum roll!  Bao Bao Bear Coat!  Where DO they get this fabulous minky fabric?  Kind of like bear/dog fur.  Authentic even, but much much softer.  And washable, without smelling like a ... wet dog!  Have I gone too far yet?  Can you say cute?!  With a bear hood with ears?  And a little brown nose?  And boy red-and-white-stripe-cotton-knit-lining?!  Bam!  Nailed!  Athletic style coat for da guys.  Perfect.
I was so excited about the coat that I left out the matching slippers.  Matching 'bear feet' slippers.  Get it?  Did you see the bottom of those slippers?  Yes, the slippers, too, have eyes and ears and a cute nose, but the best part are the piddy paws on the bottom.  Cute with a Capital C!  For boys!  Okay!
And it's all available online at and I think you will very pleased with the prices cuz 'S' Wonderful!

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